〖PXC-02型高速双模式蚊香成型机〗 The PXC-02 highspeed double model forming machine for make electrothermal mosquito- repellent
该机组是在常用盘式蚊香设备的基础上研制成功的新一代盘式蚊香生产设备,由搅拌机、挤坯机、双模成型机组成。动力系统采用行星传动摆线针齿减速电机,使机器转动更稳、效率更高,且噪声小。模具采用电脑程控切割加工,生产出的盘香美观平整、脱圈好。安全防护系统采用多点测检集中控制电路保证机器滚压、成型部份安全可靠。该设备以合理的设计消除了生产事故隐患,免去了用户的后顾之忧。 PXC-02 high speed double model forming unit It is a new achievements in scientific research on the basis that in common use equipment for make mosquito-repellent incense coil,which is composed of mixer,extruder and forming machine.Motive system has been adopted planetary transmission decelerate motor with balance wheel needle - gear ,anable the machine turn more stable ,effetive and the noise lower .The matrix under programe control, cut off smoothly ,drawing out of pattern easy .Protective system has been adopted multipoint testing with concentrate control circuit,ensure safety during rolling and forming .Hidden peril has removed ,please user reassuring.
生产能力Production quota7000~9000 double plate/h整机重量weightNet:1350㎏ gross:1600㎏整机功耗Power dissipation4.4KW(2.2KW×2)外形尺寸cubic7000×900×1500mm冲程Speed of main shaft50mm木箱尺寸Size of box3150×750×500mm主轴转速Speed of main shaft90r/min1350×600×1380mm电源电压Mains & voltage380VAC+1000×1150×1450mm