QZB-230型电热蚊香全自动包装机是电热蚊香片专用包装生产设备。该机滴注药量均匀准确、包装质量稳定可靠、封口纹路清晰美观,特别设计的卡片自动停机和组合送片机构,大大提高了设备运转率和包装合格率。同时具有落料单片、多片可任意设定,操作简单易行等特点,更是深受用户欢迎。该机各项技术指标经省质检所鉴定均符合Q/WTY001-92标准,国内杀虫界大部分知名企业均选用该机投入电热蚊香片生产。 The QZB-230 automatic packer for make electrothemal mosquito-repellent incense coil is a special equipment.It has been dripping fairly well-distributed and accurately. Quality remain stable,not likely to move or change.The seal has a beautiful grain clearly.The automatic stop arrangement with card and the combination of conveyor is specially designed , make the rate of operation and qualified package has risen geatly . In addtion to have take your choice that dropping is one or more . operation easier . For this reason ,find favour in user eyes. All quality index up to Q/WTY 001-92 standard,got pass by the station for testing quolity of Province. Our products have been put into operation by the more and more well-known pestiside plant.
生产能力 production quota13000~15000piece/h纸片尺寸 size of paper35×22×2.8+0.1mm总滴药量 total dripping0.3~2ml+5整机重量 weight Net:280㎏ gtoss:350㎏整机功耗 power dissipation1.6KW 220VAC+10%外形尺寸 cubic1100×860×1420mm铝膜规格 standard of aluminium gel235mm木箱尺寸 size of box1200×950×1100mm本机用不锈钢材料制作,配备550W磁力泵,使涂药更有力(特别适用于较浓药液),喷头采用美国进口合金钢一字形喷头,喷头使用寿命可达两年以上。喷药量每片0.5-1.5克的药量。班产6000片(200箱)。